world premiere tour
April 19 2025
Join us for our World Premiere in Wilmington, North Carolina, where Mara Noka was anchored just before the crossing!
Enjoy two exclusive screenings throughout the day, followed by a live Q&A and after-party.
April 26 2025
The European Premiere will happen in Paris at the legendary Le Grand Rex Cinema.
Join us for this unique experience, followed by a live Q&A and after-party.
June 2025 TBD
After our Atlantic crossing, Kiana continued her journey with yet another solo crossing to Brazil, where she grew up.
We are so excited to bring the film to São Paulo and can't wait to announce the dates soon.
Community Screening Tour dates will be added to our official schedule on March 20, 2025.
LOGLINE - Three women ignite the flames of curiosity and adventure which lay dormant within so many of us, by deepening our understanding of the synergy between nature and humanity—and by doing so radically, through a voyage across the North Atlantic.

Motivated by Kiana’s first North Atlantic crossing in 2019, where she witnessed a plastic-littered ocean, Mara Noka and Kiana, joined by filmmaker Alizé Jireh and environmentalist Lærke Heilmann, set off across the North Atlantic again in 2022 to follow plastic pollution on its ride to Europe via the Gulf Stream. Throughout the entirety of the voyage, larger floating debris including fishing nets, buckets, bottles, plastic bags, and nylon ropes were constant companions.
Though the initial intention of the film was to focus mainly on telling this story of plastic, the voyage took on a much more personal tone as the days progressed. The women were then faced with the reality of life at sea aboard a boat, for 30 days, with no space from each other or themselves. Calms and tempests reflected their own inner workings, and an entire moon’s cycle on the ocean brought their femininity to the forefront. They experienced their fragility and their strengths with an intensity that is unmatched, transforming this film into an intimate portrayal of woman and nature.
music editor and additional compositions
sound mixing
sound designer
Director of Photography

A very special and honorable thanks to all of our Kickstarter and patreon donors, without you our voyage would have remained just a voyage.